Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Papusza Couture First Show Documentary by Hamish Chappell

For those of you who knew me years ago back in Seattle when I first started Papusza Couture this should be rather entertaining. The show was at the Columbia City Theater, and I will forever be thankful to all the amazing people that were in my life at that time. Without all of them none of what I have created (along with many others) over the past 5 years would exist. If you were there, you may even see yourself sitting in the audience or helping me queue models.

The documentary is in black and white, but the collection of dresses I showed was very vibrant with color. This was a collection very true to who I was at the time as a woman in my early twenties. An ode to my youth, a sleigh of dresses inspired by vintage, punk rock, riot grrl and being a bad ass rebel chick whose not afraid to stand out in the crowd.

You can see in my response to the show and expressions on my face this was one of the loveliest moments of my life; the start of a new chapter. Since then many more new chapters have opened, including establishing my art and life in New York. I look forward to what the future holds, so full of possibilities. Seeing this video makes me remember my dresses are my lucky charms and it is a beautiful day to be hopeful.

Part One;

Part Two;

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